The Plasmatorium: Storefront to all things created under owner and artist, Brian Gaut.
Light is a fantastic thing. It gives us energy, it can awe and inspire, and it can transform anything it touches into art itself. Therein lies my fascination with light. I strive to incorporate it into almost all of my sculptures and pieces. Finding new ways to play with the oscillating photon is one hobby I shall never tire of.
I use a variety of high-tech methods to produce my pieces, including but not limited to: 3D printing, Laser Cutting, CNC Routing, Custom microcontroller programming, and 3D Design of course.
Keep yourself in the loop on all things Plasmatorium by subscribing to the following various channels, or feel free to contact me to discuss anything you see on The Plasmatorium, or even to inquire about a custom piece.

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